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          The Fresno Scottish Society is a non-profit organization that was established in order to educate and pass on the many traditions of the Scottish heritage.  On 17 September 2022, the Fresno Scottish Society hosted their 45th Annual Fresno Scottish Games Gathering at Kearney Park in Fresno, CA.  This gathering consisted of many events that include an  ammunition / artillery demonstrations, Scottish bag pipe performances, Heavy Scottish Athletics, Historic Medieval battles  and more.  Many vendors sell many traditional pottery pieces, clothing, food, and even replicas of ancient tools, swords and shields.  In addition, many canopies are set up containing information of the numerous Scottish families / clans displaying their ancient clan colors, tools and providing information of the Clans history to include the process of selecting their designated kilt patterns.  The Selma High School MCJROTC program gathered at 0500 to begin a long day that included the assisting of the Fresno Scottish Society and it’s vendors with setting up, parking, trash/recycling collection, programs, children games, transportation, parking and judging of the many athletic games.  A total of 58 Cadets attended and each earned 14 hours of community service hours.

2022 Highland Games

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