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Selma High School Marine Corps
Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps

Leadership Education-1
In their first year of the program, Cadets will be introduced to the structure of the MCJROTC curriculum as well as building the foundation for all future courses.
The emphasis of their development deals with the developing of organizational skills, leadership, basic military terminologies, communication skills, and understanding the importance of secondary education as well as career exploration. Some of their courses will include Patriotism, Ethics-Morals-Values, Citizenship, Public Speaking and proper etiquette towards the United States Flag. Cadets will conduct physical training and under the General Military Subject core classes, cadets will be introduce to Marine Corps history, traditions, ceremonies, precision drill and the basic fundamentals of Marine Corps Marksmanship.
Department: Leadership Education, U.S. Marine Corps Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (MCJROTC)
Course Title: Leadership Education 1 (LE1)
Length of Course: 1 year
Credits: 10 credits; Cadets must complete the entire school year to earn full credits. LE-1 meet the P.E. graduation requirement upon completion of first year in the program
Grade Levels: 9 through 12
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