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Selma High School Marine Corps
Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps

Leadership Education-2
In the second year of the program, Cadets will expand the knowledge derived from their subsequent curriculum as well as increasing their leadership abilities.
Emphasis of their development includes small unit leadership, communication, event planning, professionalism and gaining the understanding of mission accomplishment and troop welfare. Other courses will cover leadership styles, principles and differentiating the areas of responsibilities of a Cadet Non-Commissioned Officer and a Cadet Officer. They will review the three branches of government to include the political and the economic government system, be introduced to the importance of following daily current events and exercise public speaking. Cadets will learn to lead physical training exercises, taught intermediate marksmanship skills and expand their drill knowledge by learning guidon manual and rifle manual of arms.
Department: Leadership Education, U.S. Marine Corps Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (MCJROTC)
Course Title: Leadership Education 2 (LE2)
Length of Course: 1 year
Credits: 10 credits; Cadets must complete the entire school year to earn full credits. Course qualifies for P.E. graduation requirement upon completion of first year in the program
Grade Levels: 10 through 12
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