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Selma High School Marine Corps
Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps

Leadership Education-3
As a third year cadet, curriculum building continues and an additional focus of advanced leadership is introduced. This curriculum challenges their leadership
abilities by providing them with the opportunity to educate, mentor and train subordinate cadets under their charge. Leadership Cadets will be placed in authoritative positions that will require them to manage their subordinate cadets during the planning, execution, and after actions meetings of numerous community service events and training evolutions. Leadership Cadets will ensure that subordinate cadets are in compliance of the MCJROTC programs rules and regulations by conducting weekly uniform inspections. Additional duties will be to ensure that all administrative, training and logistical records are updated with the Cadet Corps perspective work sections. Curriculum courses include Leadership Proficiency, Individual & Team Training, Importance of Inspections & Evaluations, Record Keeping, Plan & Conduct of Special Events, Leadership Styles and more. In addition, LE-3 cadets will be instructed on training their subordinates to lead physical training events, learn advanced marksmanship skills and enhance their drill knowledge by learning sword manual and becoming a unit leader of a drill platoon.
Department: Leadership Education, U.S. Marine Corps Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (MCJROTC)
Course Title: Leadership Education 3 (LE3)
Length of Course: 1 year
Credits: 10 credits; Cadets must complete the entire school year to earn full credits. Course qualifies for P.E. graduation requirement upon completion of first year in the program
Grade Levels: 11 through 12
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